10 ingenious pumpkin decorations

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Halloween is coming and pumpkin season is here. All sorts of pumpkin fruits are not only great to the kuchxna, but they will also make a great decoration. We have some tips for you. Halloween is coming and pumpkin season is here. All sorts of pumpkin fruits are not only great dokychuna, but they will also make great as decoration. We have some tips for you.

1. You can easily use the orange peel as the perfect material for engraving. Just a sharp knife and fantasy.1 pumpkin-958251_1920
2. It takes a little time to make pumpkin models, but when you play with the details, the whole street will stare.2 pumpkin-378665_1280
3. You don't want to make a whole pumpkin? All you have to do is stuff the old overalls and you've got a half-time.3 deco-850537_1280
4. On a wooden wall or door, preferably under the roof, a hanging wire basket with straw and decorated with fruits of autumn will look nice.4 gourds-204929_1280

5. There is beauty in simplicity! Put on a pyramid.5 pumpkins-504122_1280
6. Especially children will entertain mini pumpkins with straw hair and painted faces.6 pumpkin-252657_1280
7. Those who like to enjoy the view of coffee in the garden will appreciate the romantic still life with a bench.7 pumpkins-939296_1280
8. The scarecrow with a kind face has nothing to drive the birds away from, but with a cart or a wheelbarrow with pumpkins will please.8 fall-891806_1280
9. Pumpkin frog? But why not, when she looks so pretty.9 pumpkin-473921_1280
10. Jagged mini pumpkins with teeth from the patisserie and eyes on the stem are ready in a moment.10 halloween-785795_1280