Dekorace na Halloween z bambulek
Halloweenské dekorace - figurky z vlněných bambulek

Halloween pompom ideas

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Decoration for Halloween is not necessarily scary, especially if you are going for children. This pompom crew is infinitely cute, and it's going to be ready in a minute. All you need is the remnants of wool, bits of colored fillet, eyes, a pair of hairy wires and a melting gun.

The basis for pumpkin, spider and bat are ordinary woolen pompoms. You can make them using the cardboard wheel according to the procedure in the video at the top of the page, or you can find other simple ways to make pompoms on our website. On them you will then glue the parts cut out of the thinner filc (such as wings, mouth, etc.) with a melt. Decorate the finished figurines at wi

ll. Our tip: And if you want to produce more spooky decorations and preferably for a few crowns, also look at 17 other simple ideas for Halloween creation for children.