Build a snowman even if it's not snowing

Christmas will be in the mud? Never mind! Build a snowman anyway. Children will be especially happy for him. You will need three balls, which you will buy after eight to twelve crowns in a florist or galantry. The snowman will last all winter, whether it will freeze or melt, beautifully whitish and unscathed.


3 pol

ystyrene balls of different sizes
Buttons and beads
Hot melt gun or glue

How to do it


middle ba
ll is stretched through the wire, which you stick from one side to the largest and on the other side to the smallest ball.

2 ASnowmant the end of the piece of wire, thread and glue from the melt gun secure the red bead so that it does not fall. Then add two more and stick the finished nose in the snowman's face.

3 Glue small buttSnowmanons like a mouth and eyes. Big ones like buttons.

4Asocate the cap. It is best to keep the finished snowman on a low lid, for example, from a tin box or a shallow bowl.

KONICASauchPhoto: Maru