How to have a beautiful cyclame for a long time

Did you get a nice blooming potato before Christmas? We know what to do to stay that way for a long time. With proper care, you can be happy for many years.

Water for the bowl

The basis of success is a good dosage of water. Although the plant is very resistant from the Mediterranean, it can't stand being wet. The worst part is when you water classically from above. It then easily happens that the tuber gets wet and catches the mold. Therefore, always put water in the bowl under the pot.

Winter is good fo
r him
The flowers have a beautiful cyclaman, but in the classic room temperature above 20 °C it lasts only briefly. Much longer you will enjoy if you put the plant in a temperature five degrees lower. Then she'll be beautiful for a long time. It is convenient to place between the windows or on a bright and un heated hallway.

Give him a rest
When all
the flowers are gone, it's time to give the plant a holiday. Let the cyclamo stand for a while with minimal watering in a well-ventilated and dark place. In summer, you can put it in a shady place in the garden. When his new tubers come out, put him in a bigger root. In autumn, take it home to the heat and water it more. He should bloom again.