How to make an original stand with mosaic

This idea is really brilliant. To create a enchanting flower stand, you just need the rest of the tube, glue on the tiles and fantasies.

28fd87f79685ac405a32cb7ff3f5cbe9You need – PVC tube, paper and pencil, three-point pliers, pliers, water-based glue such as Hercules, glue for tiles, sponge, mosaic stones (or cuffed colored tiles, suitable seashells, beads and rhinestones, smoother, gable

How Standsto do it
1. If you want to have a nice pattern and you do not have experience, it is better to invent it to prepare ahead. Draw it on plain paper, preferably in the size of a future stand. Or paint it somewhere.

garden-decoration-250x250.gif2. Start choosing suitable rhinestones. With buyers it will be easier, but more expensive. To the appropriate size, you will shape them with special three-point pliers. The cheapest solution is to use the remnants of tiles, which you can break into larger pieces with ordinary pliers. Then you shape them with three-point. If I don't have them, they can do it with pliers, but it's going to be hard.

3. Glue the rhinestones with water-based glue on the paper on the pattern face side. For thicker tiles, you will need stronger glue to carry them.

4. Fix the tube and first roughe it with sandpaper or wire brush to hold the glue on it. Apply glue to bathroom tiles. Press on them with the reverse side of the rhinestone. For a day, let the glue harden, and then roll off the paper with a wet sponge.

5. The next day, pair the rhinestones with a pairing mass. Apply it diagonally and finally swipe with a foam smoother. Allow to turn red. Wash the remnants of the pairing with a damp sponge.

Photo: Pinterest