High time to sows sunflower

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If you want to have your own bright shining sun in your garden, it's high time to sows sunflowers. If you choose the right place for her, she'll grow into beauty herself.

A one-year-old beauty can be sused by children. The most common is Helianthus annuus. For example, I bought seeds at Lidl for a few crowns. There are a number of varieties with different height and colour of flowers among annual sunflowers. Some can be up to four meters long. You can sused them directly to the flower bed or to the flower pot. It needs a sunny habitat with permeable soil and a lee. Add a little compost to the soil, and when the soil is heavy, so is the sand. In one to two weeks, the seed will germinate, and then you'll be waiting for the flower. Already during sowing, do not forget about the support, otherwise the plant could break.On hot days, sunflowers need to be watered a lot. The lack of moisture is easily recognized by the saused head and leaves.

sunflower-seeds-537652_1280Why we love them

There are no more optimistic-looking flowers. In addition, they induce a feeling of well-being, as with grandma on vacation. And most importantly, they are unpretentious plants, which are not even at risk of disease. The only thing that could put her at risk is poor habitat selection. It is a distinctly light-loving flower, in the damp and shade their stems begin to blacken. Wet roots usually can't hold a tall flower, and it breaks.

Beware of aphids

On the juicy leaves of sunflower grinds the teeth of a small aphid. Therefore, it is good to control the plant, especially the undersides of the leaves. When you discover a pest, try extracting cigarette butts or soap dissolved in water, or water with spring. Just be careful, after spraying, the leaves need to be washed. The truth is that women's advice may be cheaper, but insecticidal preparations such as Biool, Decis, Natura Roc Effect or Pirimor are much more effective.

Why are they turning to the sun?

Sunflowers are characterised by heliotropism, that is, they rotate during the day in the sunshine. That's where their name comes from. Latin is Helianthus, which is derived from the Greek word helios – sun and anthos – flower.

If you are successful and the grown sunflowers you will want to cut even home, read a little trick on how to keep the flowers in the vase beautiful for a long time.