Try yeast for geraniums and other homemade super fertilizers

Rich floods of flowers in the chests on balconies or windowsills will not be expected without regular fertilization. But you do not have to spend hundreds of crowns on "chemistry" in bottles. If you prefer proven natural tips, try homemade fertilizers literally for a spout. They get into an unprecedented form of seasonings and houseplants.

flowers-167923_6401.You want beautiful geraniums? Fertilize them with yeast

Geraniums are one of the most popular flowers in chests and pots, and they are quite demanding for nutrition. Regular fertilization simply require. You will support the flowering of geraniums if you rot them with a caster dressing. Simply crumble a cube of yeast into 1 liter of water and leave it to ferment for 14 days. Then water the solution in a ratio of 1:3 with water (3 parts are water) and use it when watering. With this fertilizer you can water not only geraniums, but also other joinery plants.


2. Miracle fertilizer – coffee grounds

coffee-924948_640The miraculous fertilizer for plants is also well-known used coffee grounds (folk "lodge"). It has a high content of beneficial substances – nitrogen, phosphorus, minerals and potassium. This kind of fertilization does not require even too much effort. Simply collect the coffee ground, spread it on the newspaper and leave to dry to make it easier to scatter. It can be used in the same way as regular compost for fertilizing flower beds, but also potted, boxed and houseplants.

Houseplants tolerate this kind of fertilization only once every six months. However, outdoor plants can be fertilized with coffee ground up to four times a year. Simply sprinkle the soil around the plant, then gently work the soil into the ground. For potted and box plants, you can mix the coffee soil into the soil directly during planting. In addition, you can always place a thin layer on existing compost. This fertilizer will especially appreciate, for example, roses, geraniums, oleanders, hydrangeas, rhododendrons or azaleas.

3. Water from potatoes flowers love

Water from boiled potatoes also works as a great fertilizer thanks to vitamins released into the water during the cooking process. Simply let the water cool down after cooking and use it to water house or garden plants once a week. Of course, only UNSALTed water (!), the one you pour after cooking potatoes in the peel, can be used like this.

4. Do not throw away banana peels

banana-peel-189757_640Bananas are rich in minerals and thanks to this they benefit not only our health, but also plants. They contain, for example, phosphorus, calcium and potassium, which promotes the vitality of plants and helps to increase their resistance to pests and diseases.It's a shame not to use those qualities, especially when it's that simple.Put the banana peel in a large glass, pour water and leave to inly for 1-2 days. For a better result, you can close the container. Then use the nutritious cocktail for watering houseplants.

In the garden, you can also use banana peels – cut them into small pieces and bury them directly in the ground to plants, e.g. tomatoes. If you have compost, definitely put banana peels in it.

5. Take advantage of kitchen waste

Compost is priceless when growing plants. Even in a regular block of flats, you can make your own mini composter and let earthworms turn plant residues from your kitchen into the best fertilizer. Instructions on how to provide super nutrition completely free of charge, we have here for you.
