5 best natural refreshment drinks you won't get!

Heat breaks records, and it is necessary to adhere to the drinking regime. Forget sweet sodas, which will make you even more thirsty. Make a great refreshing drink made with natural ingredients. And if you have enough time, you can start making virgin mojitos, i.e. non-alcoholic.

Such a line of hot summer days, which go one by one, is remembered by few. It's hot day and night, and fans and air conditioning won't change that. People who otherwise forget to drink also take proper sips of drink. I don't know about you, but we're the first to eliminate all the sweet lemonade. We felt like we weren't going to drink from them at all. In addition, with greater consumption, it begins to manifest itself in the parts around the waist. And no one really wants that. So we're trying to think of something to drink that's good, it's going to freshen us up, and we're not going to gain weight with every breath. And here are our great tips for delicious and refreshing drinks made from natural ingredients.

A great herb grows on a special bed. It's so stretchy, it'd otherwise kill all the neighbors around it. I bravely defended her from the almond mingled, and now we're enjoying it. It's great to just put a few tickets in the water. If you like ice water, you can add the tickets to the ice factory. For a more intense taste, take inspiration from the mojito and crush the leaves. To perfection, it is enough to add a few drops of lemon or lime.


Aloisie lemon smells more than lemon.
oisie lemon smells more than lemon.

Aloisie lemon
bought an herd with a rather funny name in Beroun on the market. Officially, it is called verbena lemon and it is characterized by a strong lemon aroma. Where's the lemon going? Put a couple of petals in a jug of water and it will feel like you are drinking lemonate. For young children, you can add a little brown sugar, and lemonade it will be. I've got Aloiisa in a pot, and she's lively with the world. I'll put it with the geraniums for the winter. They'll lose the leaves, and in the spring I'll reassed it and put it out again.

When I first heard about cucumber lemonade, I tapped my forehead significantly. But it's a real goodness that makes you thirsty in the heat. I'm going to cut half the salad into a jug of water. Lately, I've been very fond of the pitcher, which had an ice tank (cylinder).


Just as we don't allow ginger tea from autumn to spring, we figured it was great in summer. In addition, it is half cheaper in low season. I add a piece of fresh ginger cut into thin slices to the jug and make a lemon. Someone's grating ginger. We tried it, but then the already spicy drink was too strong for us. Ginger is not only refreshing, but will help, for example, with nausea.

y knew about the beneficial effects of lemon a few millennia ago in Asia, from where it gradually came to us. Lemon should be consumed not only in the summer, but all year round. It is best to drink the juice of one lemon per day. In summer, simply peel it and cut it into a jug. Then you won't lose a drop of juice. You get a good dose of vitamins A, B, C, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and other elements. The big goodness is to cut lime or orange into the water anyway. At least you won't get tired of one taste.

Our tip – Try mixing a great Virgin Mojito in the summer. You can find the recipe HERE.

Photo: blog.williams-sonoma.com