5 steps to twist mold once and for all

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And here we go again. The temperature outside is dropping, the apartments are rising and there is little wind. Ready-made mold products that are literally in front of our eyes. We know how to get rid of them.
Up to 200 species of mold can hatch at home. They need so little, they can pound almost everywhere. They don't need light. All they need is damp and a temperature between 5 and 40 °C. They can be white, black, yellow and green. What is mold? Microscopic fibrous fungi that form carpets. In addition to looking ugly, they have one more very unpleasant feature. They produce allergens, and it is in households where almost always at least one allergist is a serious problem.

1 Find the cause
e you already have mold at home, it's not enough just to spray it. You need to find the cause, otherwise it will appear to you again. Find out and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. It can be building shortages, leaking roofs, leaking windows, thermal bridges or poorly made insulation.Mold thrives best in rooms with higher humidity, such as bathrooms and kitchens. So the council pays the council to ventilate, ventilate and ventilate again. The best is an open window. Even if you feel like you're drowning unnecessarily, observe at least two-quarters of an hour of ventilation every day even in freezing temperatures. When it's warmer and longer. Also get rid of drying clothes in the room where mold is rampant.

2 Try the moisture absorbe
A pretty good idea is to get one of the available moisture absorbers into an overly damp room. They're devices you don't need any power for. Either they're tablet-based, like Ceresit, or there's absorbers in a bag like Lidl's. The principle is the same. In the plastic container you have an absorber that withdraws moisture and the water ends up in the container from which you pour it from time to time. Keep an eye on the temperature and humidity in your home so that it stays dry and free of mold. The hospital will help with the moisture measurement function.

3 Turn on the hood
A lo
t of bathrooms and kitchens don't have a window. Or I do, but it doesn't open much. In this case, it is good to somehow solve the ventilation. There is a great hood in the kitchen with a drain out of the house. At least a fan will help in the bathroom.

4 Disinfect the affected areas
nelled walls and surfaces where moisture sticks should be cleaned and disinfected regularly with an effective cleaner. The best are the spray products that you spray exactly where you need instead of never wash or scrub with a brush, you would just spread the mold. Allow the product to dry and wipe it off the washable surfaces with a dry cloth.
Check the risk points regularly


Beware of pots
In a
ddition to infected food, house flowers are a great source of mold. On the surface of the substrate, a characteristic white coating is often formed. Someone will take the top of the soil and add a new one. But that's wrong. Throw out the attacked substrate once. Buy a new one from some vetted dealer who has it clean. If you want to be sure, steam it before use in a cloth bag in the oven.

Photo: maru