How to make a great ecological fertilizer and whip on aphids? Go for nettles

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You also proudly have stinging nettles sticking proudly in your garden, and you're going to knock them down at the earliest opportunity? Just don't throw them away. If you let them expel them, you will make for free an excellent natural fertilizer that will help you heal and nourish plants and still repel aphids. We know how to do it.

The faster progress moves forward, the more we verify that the advice and practices of our ancestors will little be overcome. It is best seen in our gardens. While all sorts of chemical sprays were taking place here a few years ago, now we're going back to our great-grandmothers' tricks. We long for vegetables and fruits that are as natural as possible. Who wants to sprinkle chemistry on them after months of planing on the manholes? Prefer to bet on nettle, which promotes growth and helps against aphids and pooches and discourages ants that like to spread aphids..

stinging-nettle-228248_1280How to make a nettle? Cut and water
In my case, it's a return to grandpa's wisdom. He couldn't let nettle eat, as this organic and organic fertilizer is called. He was happy to get rid of the weeds and get something out of it. Nettle steed has a very simple production process. First of all, you need fresh nettles for it. Go for them in gloves and gardening scissors. Then cut them into smaller pieces and put in a bucket. Just watch out for metal that corrodes easily. The smaller the cut pieces, the faster the fermentation will take place. The plant material in the container should be about halfway, up to a maximum of three quarters. Then add water. The best is soft rain from the barrel. If you don't have it and you take it out of the water pipe, let it stand for a day so the chlorine wears off.
Cover the watered nettles with a fine sieve to get air there, but not insects.

wooden-barrel-219559_1280Watch out, it stinks!
Those who have not prepared such an extract should prepare for a proper smell. A week of forgotten flowers in one water in a vase, they're weak against it. Therefore, place the container in the furthest corner of the garden. When you start to produce a small amount on the balcony and the neighbors will be upwind, get ready for trouble. The extract must mature for at least two weeks, during which time it needs to be mixed from time to time. How do you know it's done? The solution will no longer foam, darken, and the remains of plants will fall to the bottom. Then pour it over the sueve. You can use solid matter as a mulch. Nettle clay is very strong, so you need to dilute it properly before use. For monthly fertilization in a ratio of 1:10 parts water. You can use it as a watering for plants and for spraying. Nettle is literally stuffed with nitrogen, so it will be useful for vegetables and plants especially at the time of growth. Using it is good after or during rain. When they are hot and the sun is burning, add more watering to the extract.

Our tip – Jícha can also be made from other plants, but getting more of them is sometimes a problem. Except for dandelion, of which there are enough. Dandelion leaching will do well for fruit trees and shrums to give them a better harvest.