16x snowman without snow

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This winter is more reminiscent of the pre-spring, when temperatures above zero break records and snow is in sight. But what would it be for the Christmas holidays without a snowman? We have 16 tips for you on how to have it without snow. And you can enjoy the blizzard.

How to get a snowman without snow

A fashion catch that amused us so much. We got funny winter overalls during an Advent tripSnowmen to Germany at the Primark store. It is a great pet and photo tutorial on its manufacture can be found HERE.diy_navod_snehulak_z_polstare

Last year's hit was the cute snowman Olaf from the fairy tale Ice Kingdom. You can easily make it with children from a sock according to the instructions HERE.Snowman from a sock




Photo: Tina Marklund/Flickr





The easiest way to make snowball decorations is to use polystyrene balls, which you can get in a hobby market or stationery shop. The full procedure can be found HERE.


Stylish candy á la snowman can handle even beginners. Use marshmallows and egg white frosting on any base (for example, sponge cake or coconut). It's just that the edicoration is a little piping.


All you need for these adorable figurines is a modicum of patience and plenty of marzipan mass. We have two homemade recipes for you.

Photo: Jacinta lluch Valero/ Flicker


Photo: Riley Kaminer/Flicker

A snowman made of plastic cups is big enough to patrol the front of the house. In this case, put a suitable load in the lower ball. If he's standing at home, you can upgrade it with a light chain that you roll inside the balls. The procedure for making a snowman from cups can be found HERE.

Photo: VasenkaPhotography/Flickr


Photo: Rojer/Flicker




Photo: Nikitasphoto/ Flicker


Photo: Su--may/ Flicker

Photo: Su--may/ Flicker