The 3 biggest mistakes in tomato preging

Carefully and lovingly planted tomato seeds and are you looking forward to growing strong seedlings? If you make one of three fundamental mistakes, you will wait in vain.

You've also worked hard and precisely this year to pick the best varieties of tomatoes. Exactly what you want from juicy fruits. But it is enough to make a mistake in pre-growing them, and the seedling will not grow.

hands-1838658_640Error No. 1: Inappropriate substrate
Are you waiting for plants and still nothing? Or did they come out and die right away? Most often this is due to an inappropriate substrate into which you have sused. It should be sowing, which is precisely mixed for the needs of seeds, and suppressive. I mean, enriched with a sponge. This helps against falling and dying of germinate and edging plants.

watering-can-1379721_640Error No. 2: Wetness
he biggest mistake made by many novice growers is the over-wetness of plants. With excessive watering, young plants easily rot their roots. This often happens if you have not used a light sowing substrate for sowing, but some ordinary, or even soil from the garden. In heavy soil, water evaporates for a long time. Seeds and young plants are first good to dew, and then water outside the petals.


Error No. 3: Wrong place and temperatur
The seed is best in a place where there is light and heat. For germination they need relatively high temperatures from 20 °C to 25 °C. If it's lower, you might wait in vain. Also pay attention to the sharp sun. On the southern or western windows, it can easily happen that the spokes of the seedlings at best completely dry, at worst literally burn. Windows should also be well sealed. Otherwise, a bowl of seeds could get a deadly freezing whiff during the night's temperature drop.