Christmas ornament idea: Magic skates

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Last year we made woolen balls, this year we were aroused by these little cute skates. If you also like Christmas decorations of your own making, get into them – it goes terribly fast.Ne

of thin fillet or fleece (you can use other non-fluttering material)
thicker white wool or nice string and a big needle
large safety pins
pencil, scissors


to do it:

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1. On a piece of paper, draw a template for the shape of the skate, cut it out and draw it on a folded piece of cloth with a pencil or marker.
2. Cut out – so you will have a boot straight double.


3. Put a pin on the boot and close it.
4. Mark the holes for laces with a pencil and use a large needle to sew through the wool and "lace" the skates. Leave the ends long enough to hang.


Source: Repeat Crafter Me