What flowers to plant in April in pots behind the window and sused on flower pots

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Are you worried about which flowers, in addition to the obligatory primules and pansies, will now be put in the chests so that the frosts do not destroy them? We have for you tips for other durable beauties for flower pot and flower bed.

The weather is a bit of a schmousling with us and a lot of people think it's the right time to display summer flowers in window boxes. How could they not, when they already offer them in hobby markets and hypermarkets. But just one cooler night and you can go shopping again. Our grandmothers' warning that the frozen men, in mid-May, should not be put out of the delicate yearlings is not empty. If you want to have windows more varied than just maces or primules that are on all the ornate windows in the block, we have some good tips for you.
's also suitable for the half-shade. It could be compromised by the substrate's wetness. Careful, it's poisonous.
stone-herb-116279_640Rock tařice
Yellow beauty that blooms from April to May. Very unpretentious perennial, which is well decorated on the rock garden and in the pot.
Low perennial, which grows into pillows. It is 10 to 15 cm high and can be in the sun and in the semi-shade. It blooms richly in pots and on a rock garden or flower flower.

Daisy Garden
The popular
two-year-old manages both the sun and the half-shade. You can easily reproduce a very unpretentious plant by separating it from the cymbal.
floxy flower-58624_640Floxy
Among low species you will find a lot of variants of inflorescences. They only grow to 20 centimeters. It's easy to multiply them by dividing the cyming. Floxa blooms in April and May.
kamzicnik plant-1000399_640Camper
It looks a bit like yellow dill. The higher plant is suitable for chests and containers. He could be in a shady habitat.

Tall finger is a great handsome man. Just be careful, it's poisonous.
Tall finger is a great handsome man. Just be careful, it's poisonous.

Why don't we sua down the flower bed in April?
Stiffer flowers and those that come slowly can already be sused directly into the ground. They don't usually grow into Frozen, and then hopefully they won't be freezers. Among other things, it is, for example, a foundry, a cosmonaut, some mania (late April), asters, summer violets, straws, a fungus, climbing beans or poplars.


Poplar is popularly called a found rose.
plar is popularly called a found rose.