Ingenious pallet garden

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Not everyone has a garden as big as they need, so a simple idea for a vertical garden from a pallet can come in handy. When it's a nice day, a skilled handyman on hand, it's done in the afternoon.

Garden pallets are usually big enough. Moreover, when you fill them with substrate, they are also quite heavy. Therefore, for better handling it is better to use only half of the bed for the production of the bed. A vertical flower flower that is made in this way has the great feature of perfectly hiding all the ugly places, such as rusty lot or plaster.

You need – pallet, color, substrate, non-skakune fabric, stapler, grinder, cutlet saw, plants

First, cut the palette in half.

2. Pallets are made of unsized planks, so it is good to grind them with a grinder.

3. Much better than natural wood, the garden will look Mediterranean blue, so well known from seaside resorts. First paint the palette with a brush, and then slightly sand it with sandpaper to make it look like a patina.3

4. On the back of the palette, attach a non-squeay fabric with a stapler to create a bottom and side walls.6

5. Put a garden substrate in the finished bed.

6. Plant plants in the gaps between the planks. Succulents such as non-shake or aloe, which can withstand everything, are best suited. But there may also be classic balcony balconies. It is important that all plants have similar demands on soil and watering.

7. Put the pallet in place.

aloe-vera-323552_1280-horzWhat fits on the flower bed – non-shake, aloe, fat, collopoise, rubber

