Horse for little princes and princesses

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Do you have a piece of useless cardboard and wooden handles at home? Then you can make them the perfect playing horse in a minute.

Times have progressed and a lot of kids are playing with tablets and super smartphones from babies that parents lend them to have fun. But in simplicity there is beauty even in entertainment. The kids will have a lot more fun playing with them. For example, try to organize races in the living room or in the garden. Play live to deliver the princess. That'll come in handy for our horse, which seems to have fallen out of the last century. You have it in 20 minutes, and it won't cost you a penny.

HorseYou need: cardboard, wooden handle, saw, scissors, marker, buttons, ribbons, needle and thread

How to do iHorset

Draw your head on the cardboard according to our design from both sides of the horse. We only like the black marker on the paper, but someone might prefer the colours. Then cut out the head.

Horse2. Shorten the logs to a length of about 40 cm. Then, at one end, cut it in the middle with a saw. In order for the head to hold there well, it is necessary to have a notch one and a half to two centimeters long.

3. Sew buttons on the head from both sides. Anyone who wants to can make a halter around them from ribbons. Then put your head in a notch on the handle and you're ready to go.

Our tip: We like the horse nicely in natur design, but you can color it or decorate it with ribbons.


Photo: Maru