Get rid of aphids from the water: Mix your chilli spray

Also, are you still looking for some guaranteed natural remedy to rid you of gluttonous aphids? We found one of these for you on The Half-Heel.aphids-756836_640

Just as a lot of people keep their distance from hot peppers, they don't like aphids either. You can also try it, because making a razor-sharp spray will not ruin you. In addition, all experienced gardeners recommend means against aphids to alternate. So put it through nettle or garlic-rapeseed spraying.

5 dkg
hot peppers – the more spicy the better
1 l water
A little white alcohol (vodka, gin, plum)

How to do it
Crush the peppers into a saucepan, pour in water and bring to a boil. Cook for two to three minutes. Then stop for 24 hours. Pour the extract over a fine cod or canvas, add alcohol, pour into the atomizer and you can use it for spraying.