Instructions for spooky Halloween lanterns in five minutes and 5 decorating templates

What kind of spooky evening would it be if it wasn't accompanied by a smiky candlelight? Best seated in pretty creepy lanterns that can line the stairs, decorate the window or entrance door. With our templates, you can make such an easy one from an ordinary compote glass in a few minutes.

You need bl
ack self-adhesive paper or self-adhesive film, jute strings, glass jars, tea candles, pencil, scissors, paper


w to do i

Choose one of the templates and cut it out of either black self-adhesive paper or foil. The film has the advantage of withstanding even exposure outdoors. Cutting and copying will also entertain children.
2.Glue the selected motif to the empty glass.
3.Unsightly neck of the glass decorate with a jute ribbon or strings.
4.Put in a lit tea candle and you're done!


Our tip1 3I004

5fdark-15739_1280 you don't have foil or self-adhesive paper, you can easily do with any black paper and glue.