Concrete garden balls a little different

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Concrete decorations in the gardens still score. Among the most popular are balls made with an inflatable balloon. But yours may look a little different than usual – take a piece of cloth or string to help.Full balls have become a hit, which can be used as a candlestick, cauliflower or ornament. However, these original lightweight variants look very interesting. They're also amazingly easy to make.

You need: –
Wrap material – either thicker string/yarn (you can tie double to make it thicker) or strips of fabric (you can cut e.g. old fleece hoodie or blanket, fleece is a suitable material)
– Form – proven is beach inflatable ball or ball use
– Stand – e.g. a smaller bucket on which you "sit" the ball
– Concrete mixture, you buy commonly in hobby markets
– Rubber gloves

How to make concrete balls

1. Cut/cut the fabric into approximately 1.5 cm wide stripes.

2. Place the bucket with a plastic bag so that you do not destroy it and the balls do not stick to it, and place an inflated balloon on it.

3. Mix the concrete mixture with water, the consistency should not be too sparse so that the mixture does not run, but also too dry (mushy) – the substance sucks a lot of water.

garden-decoration-250x250.gif4. Soak strips of fabric or pieces of yarn in concrete. One by one, pull out, stretch between your fingers to remove excess concrete, and zigzag wrap the ball around them.

5. Cross the lanes frequently and strip under each other from time to time to make the result look plastic and natural. Always hide the end of the fabric under a different stripe.

6. When the ball has cleared, pierce or cut the balloon inside and carefully remove it. Thin "peels" of concrete that remain between the stripes, carefully remove with some sharp tool, it goes well.


And if you want to make more variants, also look at the classic instructions for concrete balls.