Violet doesn't like over-care

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Few plants will pay you back for a little care with such grace and rich flower as African violet, or saintpaulia.

flower-299060_1280Unpretentious beauty has already decorated the windowsills of our grandmothers, even today thanks to many bred color and shape variants will not be lost in any interior. Although the violet is modest, observe a few principles when growing it – then it will make you happy indefinitely.

The smaller the better. We're not talking about the violet itself, it's about the cauliflower you plant it in. If you've reaspered the plant in good faith and given it some space, we have some bad news for you. Violet likes to feel a little cramped and thrives better in a pot that may seem small to you – just a flower pot with a diameter of 9 cm. Or follow the golden rule: the size of the container should correspond to 1/3 of the diameter of the entire plant. And don't worry, you're not bothering her. On the contrary, you will promote the abundance of flowers. Violets only begin to bloom when the roots grow properly through the entire substrate.

With the sun you need to be careful. Violet needs a quiet place with plenty of light, but for too sharp the sun's rays it is squeamish, they can burn it, and the result is typical bright spots on the leaves. The room temperature suits violets all year round, they even do great in prefabrication apartments with central heating. If the ambient temperature drops below 15 °C, the plant reacts by deforming both leaves and flowers. They don't make her feel good or the temperature changes. We water from the bottom. A lot of houseplants are bothered by wetness, and violets are one of them. Spills are fatal to her. Therefore, we water in reasonable quantities, preferring less often and more abundantly, with water room temperature. The fault is also too cold watering, it can also cause a bad spottiness of the leaves. To prevent the nesting of leaf stems, we water the violets from below. Only once in a while we pour water carefully from above on the substrate to wash out the settled salts