Vánoční kaktus

How to let a Christmas cactus bloom again

It's worth last year's Christmas cactus at home, but is it all green? Then help him have the flowers again. But it's not going to work in the flooded living room.

Christmas cacti are bred from plants native to Brazilian forests, which appeared here a few years ago as a great gift to Nicholas. But in a few weeks, the flowers have fallen off, and now you're waiting in vain for her to have her heels. If you don't put him up for winter, you won't even see them.

Step number 1: Cold keeping
hristmas cactus belongs to the plants of the short day, so it needs less light. Therefore, in our conditions it blooms in the winter months. How to do that? First he needs to put it in the cold for a couple of days. Ideal is an un heated place in an apartment or house. The best is around 12 °C. At the same time, it is necessary to limit the dressing so that they do not rot the roots.

A good place to put buds is needed on uneached soil next to oversuching geraniums.
A good place to put buds is needed on uneached soil next to oversuching geraniums.

Step number 2: Heat up with i
When the auspates appear, carefully move the cactus back to the heat and add the watering. The only snag of the whole process is that the cactus struggles to tolerate change. He doesn't like to move, and sometimes the laboriously collected cympathes fall off. If you are lucky, beautiful tubular flowers in red-purple, pink, red and purple or white and yellow will bloom.

Seeded heels.
Seeded heels.

Multiply it
you want to have a green gift for family or friends for the next year? You have two choices. One is that when transplanting the plant, you divide it into two parts and plant each separately. Then there's the schnitzing. This is enough for you to break off three to four articles of the sheet in January or February. Put them in water and wait for the root to be tossed. Then plant. Another option is to plant the schnitzel directly in a mixture of sand and peat. Be ware that the plant must never lie down when taken out of the pot. Immediately it "crawls" and loses shape. Just don't let her out of your hand when you're transplanting.

Photo: maru, pixabay.cz