How to zazimy dahlias? In a box and watch

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Tubers need to be cut, trimmed and stored.
Tubers need to be engraved, trimmed, cleaned and stored. Choose dry days to remove the tubers from the beds.

Dahlias are beautiful and unpretentious. This is a great combination for growers, so you can find them in almost every garden. However, if you want to have them on the manhole for another year, you need to not only engrave them, but also store them well. Otherwise, it'll slap.

Jiřiny is one of the most popular Czech perennials. There are many species, shapes and colors. But they have one thing in common. They will not survive the Czech winter on the manhole. Popular tuber plants originally come from Mexico, and they would not survive the Czech winter in the country. It is necessary to excavate them behind the flower flower flower or take them out of the flower pot. Do this no later than after the first freezers. The above-ground part should be cut off, and you can cut even too long roots. When out, treat them sparingly, tubers are quite large brittle prone to damage.

In a box with t
Crates should be wooden and vesiable. Like the one left over from the wine.

The storage box should be wooden and vesiable. Like the one left over from the wine.

Tubers are good to let dry before storing, they will be better cleaned from excess soil. Dry tubers most often fold into a wooden box. It's either a hazelnut or a discarded wine box. The important thing is that they are vesiable. The second method is to wrap tubers in newspapers or put them in a container with sand, as the root vegetables are stored. The stems should be directed downwards, it will prevent their tingling.
Dahlias should be stored in a dry and dark room, where the temperature holds between four and ten degrees. At a lower temperature, tubers would freeze and the risk of mold or premature germ increases.


are of moisture

Tubers can also be wrapped in newspapers.
rs can also be wrapped in newspapers.

The biggest enemy in storage is moisture. It goes hand in hand with mold. Therefore, tubers need to be inspected regularly during storage. Remember them at least once a month and inspect them. It follows that they should be well accessible. Think about it already when storing, so that you do not stop the box with tubers, for example, plants in a winter apartment.

And if you still have unfed flowers left in the chests on the windows, look straight away what to do with geraniums for the winter.