Spring cleaning tips: How to get your housekeeping in order

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Did you also get caught up in the usual spring grunting? In me, this period always awakens the need to 'clean' the air at home and get rid of unnecessary things that take away space and energy. And organize the rest, organize them, just give them some order. That's why I'm interested in some handy tips online that I'm going to share…

1. Perfectly used pantry

Having a pantry is every housewife's dream. But it's also one of those rooms where an incredible amount of stuff is accumulated during the year without fallow and storage. Here's a simple ingenious guide on how to put as much food as possible into it, make perfect use of the poorly accessible corner shelves and keep order as long as possible.

Before… Does it usually look similar in your pantry? All it takes is a little improvement…
final IMG_6055
After… And now there is a room where things are orderly, and twice as many can fit!

All you had to do was wallpaper the walls with oversized striped wallpaper, remove the corner bar, and equip the shelves in the corner with practical swivel plates. Thanks to them, you have a perfect overview of the supplies and you can easily reach them.


The full instructions can be found on decochick.com

2. Cool ideas for saving

A classic document clip and a couple of hooks will solve the problem with open bags and most importantly – it will save a lot of space on the shelves.
Very elegantly solved storage of bags, foils and baking papers. All you have to do is attach the wire file to the crack…
You place a lot of roots on the inside of the door and they will not occupy the drawers. The attachment bar can be bought on eBay.