Proven recipe for crispy and fluffy langousns

The weather has turned, and instead of ice cream, something warm is now thrown into your stomach. For example, fluggy and unshiard langoš according to a classic and proven recipe that even a beginner can handle.

Langoš is like a baked dough baked in oil caloric bomb, but well made and not deranged in domestic quality is excellent, so every once in a while this originally Hungarian specialty can be indulged even by a sworn dietitionist. In addition, it has the great advantage that each member of the family will decorate the crispy pancake and season it according to its own. The possibilities are limitless. 🙂


4 dl milk
yeast cube
Salt, sugar
500g plain flour

How to do it

In a bowl, prepare lukewarm milk and add sugar and yeast to it. Put for five to ten minutes in a warm place to rise the folds and add the flour. Salt and make a smooth dough. Cover the bowl and leave toss in the heat for half an hour. Then on a buttered roller of dough, make small loaves, which with your fingers or roller stretch to the width. Bake on a higher layer of oil and, after taking out, put each and a paper napkin that sucks the excess fat.

IMAG0132Our tip – Langoustans are great not only coated with pressed garlic and sprinkled with cheese, or with tartar and ketchup. You can decorate them with strips of onion, wheels of salami or make them sweet with jam and sweetened cottage cheese.

